The Baby Bouquet (XS)
Perfectly sized for small spaces or as a thoughtful gesture, this enchanting bouquet features a vibrant seasonal bloom, lovingly hand-tied to create a picturesque display. Each bouquet radiates beauty and cheer, making it an ideal gift for birthdays, thank-yous, or just because! Whether it’s a cozy tabletop or a friend’s desk, our Petite Gift Bouquet is the perfect way to brighten someone’s day with nature’s finest.
Pictured: Pastel Color Combo in Modern, Classic White in Romantic, and Pastel Color Combo in Classic.
Flowers and foliage vary due to season. Your unique bouquet will vary from the displayed photo as it is curated per your requests concerning color and style. All bouquets are delivered in wrapping paper correlating to your palette.
Perfectly sized for small spaces or as a thoughtful gesture, this enchanting bouquet features a vibrant seasonal bloom, lovingly hand-tied to create a picturesque display. Each bouquet radiates beauty and cheer, making it an ideal gift for birthdays, thank-yous, or just because! Whether it’s a cozy tabletop or a friend’s desk, our Petite Gift Bouquet is the perfect way to brighten someone’s day with nature’s finest.
Pictured: Pastel Color Combo in Modern, Classic White in Romantic, and Pastel Color Combo in Classic.
Flowers and foliage vary due to season. Your unique bouquet will vary from the displayed photo as it is curated per your requests concerning color and style. All bouquets are delivered in wrapping paper correlating to your palette.
Perfectly sized for small spaces or as a thoughtful gesture, this enchanting bouquet features a vibrant seasonal bloom, lovingly hand-tied to create a picturesque display. Each bouquet radiates beauty and cheer, making it an ideal gift for birthdays, thank-yous, or just because! Whether it’s a cozy tabletop or a friend’s desk, our Petite Gift Bouquet is the perfect way to brighten someone’s day with nature’s finest.
Pictured: Pastel Color Combo in Modern, Classic White in Romantic, and Pastel Color Combo in Classic.
Flowers and foliage vary due to season. Your unique bouquet will vary from the displayed photo as it is curated per your requests concerning color and style. All bouquets are delivered in wrapping paper correlating to your palette.